The following stores carry, or can assist you in finding
Glass / Vases or related items. Click on the highlighted store name .
Click on the highlighted store name.
Allie's Vintage Alley
Come browse for a fantastic variety of vintage items and antiques. Don't see what your looking for, just ask, by chance I may have it. I offer full service Vermont estate liquidations and buy outs.
Copperton Lane Antiques & Collectibles
Specializing in housewares, furnishings and decor from Victorian to Mid-Century Modern: copperware and other metalwares, kitchen collectibles, pottery, glassware, primitives, linens, textiles, and whatever else may strike your fancy, all at very reasonable prices. Come see what's new!
Hallelujah Vintage
A collector's rummage store of hodgepodge, an unfolding adventure down the Lane of Memory. Obscure objects of interest, laces, old tools, doll clothing, bottles and jars, vintage clothing, unusual decorative items,
architectural salvage, clocks, kitchenalia, paintings, postcards, and pizzazz!