Search Tips
Use a plus sign (+) to require a
When you use several keywords in your
search, the search looks for pages
containing at least one of these keywords.
If you want to be sure that a keyword will
appear in the search results, add a plus
sign (+) before the keyword, without any
space. For example: If you want to search
for all Roseville vases, type: +roseville
+vase. This will return a list of
categories containing both words in the
Use a minus sign (-) to exclude a
Add a minus sign (-) just before the first
letter of a keyword, without any space, to
exclude a word from your search. For
example: If you collect Roseville but do not
want the results to include vases, type in: +roseville
-vase. This will exclude any Roseville
vases from the search results. This is also
helpful if you would like to make sure
reproduction items are NOT included in your
search results. For example, type: "flow
blue" -reproduction to view all
Flow Blue items excluding reproduction
Don't use "generic" words
For example, don't use of or and
in the search field. If you use the search
phrase pair of salt and pepper shakers,
the above query might not produce the
desired results. Instead try +salt
+pepper +shakers.
Use quotes for multi-word phrases:
The search will find your keywords anywhere
in the category, title and description. When
you put double quotes (" ") around
several keywords, the search will retrieve
only those pages where your keywords appear
next to each other, and in the order typed.
You can use the double quotes when searching
for a precise set of words that will always
be found together. For example: Typing "beanie
baby" will retrieve pages where
these words appear next to each other.
Use the asterisk as a wild card:
Used at the end of a word, the asterisk (*)
is like a wild card and can replace up to 5
characters. It allows you to broaden your
search by including plurals, adjectives,
adverbs and conjugated words. For example:
typing pepsi* will make sure you are
able to retrieve items that are listed as pepsi
as well as pepsicola. You need to
have at least 3 letters before the '*'.
When in doubt, use lowercase text in
your searches.
When you use lowercase text, the search
service finds both upper and lowercase
results--but when you use upper case text,
the search service finds only upper case.
For example: If you search for jewelry,
the search results will include jewelry,
Jewelry, and JEWELRY. However,
if you search for Jewelry, the search
results will only include Jewelry.